Monday, April 1, 2013

Los Arcos - Day 6 on the Camino

We have had full days on the Camino, with a full range of weather as well (snow, rain, sun, and overcast). Here are our days so far:

Day one: Roncesvalles to Akerreta
We walked from near the border of France to a beautiful 300 year old Basque house (it was in the movie "The Way"). What a treat to be there and talk to the owner about the renovation. We also had a pilgrim meal with others and met a 73 year-old English man walking it for the second time for charity.

Day two: Akerreta to Pamplona
A shorter walk through forests to the site of the Running of the Bulls. Pamplona is the most populous of the cities on the Camino. We loved the Maundy Thursday Misa here and saw a grand Holy Week procession in the streets.

Day three: Pamplona to Puente la Reina
This day was a walk over a great pass called Alto del Perdon. At the top we saw Pamplona and the other side of the hill to our next town. Supposedly if you walk to the top your sins are forgiven.

Day four: Puente la Reina to Estella
We had been talking to a man from Madrid here and there but this day we were with him more. It was a rich time hearing about his life, his openness spiritually and his knowledge about Spain. This was his last day. As a chemical engineer managing a paper company, he has only Semana Santa to give to the Camino. We said good-bye to this fellow companion.

Day five: rest day in Estella and Easter! Christ is risen! Alleluia! We worshiped at an ancient Roman Catholic church in the center of town.

Day six: Estella to Los Arcos
We walked through beautiful countryside with rolling hills, vineyards, and goats! We walked with a friend we had met the first day, a doctor from Cleveland, Ohio.

Pictures: procession float for Semana Santa (Holy Week), Maundy Thursday service in Pamplona, Leigh on the Camino, walking a Roman road, the Camino waymarkers, John receiving the grace of a monastery winery's free wine fountain!

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